Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn - birth, growth, fading, death - the Wheel turns, on and on. Ideas are born; projects are consummated; plans prove impractical and die. We fall in love; we suffer loss; we consummate relationships; we give birth; we grow old; we decay.
.....As we enact each drama in its time, we transform ourselves. We are renewed; we are reborn even as we decay and die. We are not separate from each other, from the broader world around us; we are one with the Goddess, with the God. As the Cone of Power rises, as the season changes, we arouse the power from within, the power to heal, the power to change our society, the power to renew the earth.
"They that live the life shall know the doctrine."
I think of the Spiral Path as a Cosmic Blueprint, a Mandala of the Great Wheel of the Universe, where everything created has its place, all things moving outward from the center to the circumference.
The Spiral Journey starts when we begin to live what we have grasped of the Great Plan.
The coming to consciousness is not a discovery of some new thing; it is a . . . return to that which has always been.*
Spiral Spirits Group was formed April 2, 2002 to create an e-mail participation list where Pagans could share and celebrate their spirituality. It is an organization of networking, information exchange, and mutual support among Pagans belonging to, affiliated with, or interested in the Church of Spiral Oak way of Life. The Group Moderator is dedicated to correcting the misconceptions, distortions, and untruths about Paganism and likes it when others follow suit. This Group will be used as a non-profit spiritual and educational organization seeking to empower Pagan awareness, encouraging Pagan leadership, and educating both men and women towards psychic development and Paganism in a broad sense. Our ideals should include Love, Truth, Beauty and Abundance. Membership is open to ALL people (including children) and there are no fees or vows of secrecy.
If you would like to join our Group or need more information <--Click Here--> to go to our Yahoo site. Joining is as easy as 1-2-3. You can also join by sending an e-mail to our Group: mailto: [email protected] . Yahoo will send you a confirmation e-mail. Just reply and you're in!
One of the most frequent and just criticisms about the Pagan community is that it doesn't have a service structure. Some people interested in community and/or parish service will end up leaving the Craft and returning to former religions. People who need help with alcoholism, drug addiction or other social problems often find no place in the religious Pagan community to get help and are forced to go elsewhere. Fortunately we are finding more Pagan groups interested in community service issues like Spiral Oak.
The Church of Spiral Oak offers these services:
Pastoral Counseling and Psychic Readings through the Order of Spiral Oak, legally-recognized Pagan Clergy. Family Counseling, Tarot, Shamanic Journeywork, Spirit Support, Rites of Passage, and House Blessings are now available. The Clergy members are registered with the State of Ohio to perform Legal Handfastings (Weddings) and to provide all manner of Pastoral Services.
Have more questions?
Click on the Goddess to E-Mail the Spiral Spirits Moderator
Thank you for visiting our Homepage. Hopefully it was educational.
* Helen M. Luke, Dark Wood to White Rose [New York: Dover Publications, 1975].